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We offer four programs, our core program being our long-term Residential Program.  Our Restorative and Respite Programs are individually tailored to be time limited.  Our Resource Guidance Service is there always, whenever you need us. 

Subsidies Available for Residential Program

For many, the cost of supportive housing is simply not viable.  Should you or someone you love need financial assistance, our Team will work with you to coordinate a subsidy from the City of Windsor if necessary.  The applicant for subsidy must be over the age of eighteen years old.  Additional factors for determining and approving eligibility for subsidy are: 


Medical:  Recommendation from an approved health care provider that indicates a need of some supervision and support with activities of daily living.


Financial:  Individual is in receipt of OW, ODSP or another income source that is less than the current cost of care (per diem and set by the City) plus the current monthly personal needs allowance (PNA). 


Appropriateness of Placement:  It is up to the discretion of the City of Windsor to approve or deny eligibility for subsidy should the nature of the applicant’s illness potentially adversely affect the comfort and well-being of other Residents.  A pre-admission application for subsidy must be completed by a City of Windsor Housing with Supports Caseworker. We will help you in any way we can to coordinate the required information for the City subsidy.  


For more information on the City of Windsor HOWS, click the button 





For more information on the County of Essex HOWS, click the button 




Specialized Service

We will work with community partners to provide a care plan that fits you.  CCAC, CMHA, ALSO, Family Services, Public Guardian & Trustee, all agencies we work with regularly to support our shared goal - which is helping you meet yours.  If your care needs are higher than those offered by our home, we will assist you in accessing the help available in our community. 


For more information on levels of care, click the button


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